As always, Justin, you are doing the important work that the people of Vancouver both want and need. I’m excited to see if my own ratings match up with your panel’s. Important research project for 2024!
As usual, I come away with a list of places to try I haven't made it out to before. That was even true with the brewery ranking, one of the few categories I've tried a fair number of (I finally tried out Il Sauvage last month)! Thanks for your dedication, Justin!
Insane that Lee's beat Duffins for the best traditional style of donuts (and don't get me started on Lucky's winning best gourmet style of donut) but as always a fun read!
As always, Justin, you are doing the important work that the people of Vancouver both want and need. I’m excited to see if my own ratings match up with your panel’s. Important research project for 2024!
"Friend chicken" is an excellent typo.
As usual, I come away with a list of places to try I haven't made it out to before. That was even true with the brewery ranking, one of the few categories I've tried a fair number of (I finally tried out Il Sauvage last month)! Thanks for your dedication, Justin!
All the references to Fried Chicken have me wondering if it's time for Justin to start ranking those joints...
"The average glazed donut (about 4 inches in diameter) contains about 253 calories, 14 grams of fat, and 4 grams of protein — plus 14 grams of sugar."
What's a "friend chicken"?
Cream Pony is the sort of place on first blush that
we might reflexively roll our eyes at: a 2017-style
minimalist display menu, some twee tables and
murals, the attempt at mastering two different
buzzy food items in doughnuts and friend chicken.
As a donut connoisseur I believe this research warrants extension to the rest of British Columbia.
Insane that Lee's beat Duffins for the best traditional style of donuts (and don't get me started on Lucky's winning best gourmet style of donut) but as always a fun read!
This is absolutely the sort of writing that makes a younger audience swoon. Thank you for your service!