I have been thoroughly entertained and inspired by your first forays in your trip. Looking forward to what your next leg has in store!!

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I’m having so much fun reading your last few posts. This past April, I spent 17 days going from Santiago Chile to Buenos Aires Argentina to Montevideo Uruguay to São Paulo Brazil. I love that when you talk about these places, I can say “I was just there. I know exactly what you’re talking about.” It’s also interesting to get someone else’s perspective.

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Thanks so much for sharing this. I will be thinking about your mullet analogy every time I visit a new city.

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I get what you’re saying about Vancouver being a “vibes” city, being reliant on the outdoors and it’s natural surroundings, but I don’t consider it very chaotic or unpredictable. Most things shut down by 7pm and you know what you’re gonna get when you go somewhere.

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