Beautifully written. I’m sorry we couldn’t keep you on staff at The Province, but you’ve gone on to bigger things. I hope you compile your travelogues into a book at the end of your adventure.

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There’s a book deal signed, so these diaries are essentially a first draft!

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Gosh I love your writing. I'm loving following your journey!

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Fantastic written travelogue to go along with the images and stories on Instagram. I'm (more than) slightly jealous of your grand world adventure and will be following along while you're out exploring. Thanks for sharing all of it with us!

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ahem, those are the US's 5 largest combined statistical areas, not it's 5 largest metropolitan areas.

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So very glad to have another installment to read, it gives me great pleasure so thank you!

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Love the instagram updates! I haven't travelled a lot, so it's nice to see where I might like to go next!

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hmm. I reflected on my own journeys as you trapsed across the USA. Major league basball game? Tick. (fell asleep, but I blame the sun and the beer, not the boring game). Bruce Springsteen concert. Tick. (intimate Broadway show--so fantastic, not the mega arena show). Broadway musicals. Tick (wait did you see any or you just giving us plot recps?). The curious security state vibe (tick, but wait till you get to London and China, now you are talking). But you have mentioned no food....the super size portions, the innovations and fushions, the awkward how much to tip when the card reader defaults to 25%, or Ameircan beer (Once in St. Louis I asked for local beer, as in one they maid there. The bar maid proudly brought me a can of budweisser). Enjoying traveling with subtitles from this point forward.

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Wonderful writing, interesting commentary, great turns of phrase, and as an aside, I completely understand how your mother felt as I am facing something similar!

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Thank-you! I was a bit skeptical about how interested I would be after reading your first piece about your plan. But this is good writing. I’m in!

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Love reading your observations on the places you go. Thanks for taking us along on this incredible journey.

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Safe travels! Thanks for sharing :)

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It sounds like a lot of wonderful moments and experiences so far!

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Enjoy Mexico. I just returned from Mayto Jalisco, (pop of 300) little village on the Pacific coast 2 hours south of PV. No tourists and you truly get a cultural experience. Hope you discover it along the way.

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