Reminds me of the Paul Theroux quote, “Travel is glamorous only in retrospect.” And I guess we could add “or on Instagram.”

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Just awesome Justin. Your huge smiles in all the photos are so amazing. You are an excellent traveler.

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There are probably books about travel fiascos and if not, there could be. My chapter would be getting Covid enroute to Oostende and Paris for Christmas last year. As a result, I spend days in a hotel sick, sleeping lots, reading and watching hotel tv. After some delayed acceptance, I reframed to: I'm 'lounging' in an art-deco Oostende hotel, reading the fascinating A Gentleman In Moscow, watching a cable tv show about tow truck rescues in Norway, how very international is that?! Just as I was getting slightly better, I woke up on Boxing Day with food poisoning in my Paris hotel, kiboshing my last two days. Ce la vie. Such is the life of a traveller. There are more ups and downs than just the airplane travel.

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This was such a fantastic read! My travel fiasco was getting food poisoning on the last day of my trip to the Philippines and having to do a 20h, two flight trek home. Anytime I stress about travel now I remember that I managed to get through that 💪🏻

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I’m half way through 6 months away and just thinking about your wet shoes! I relate with the wet clothes, sweaty clothes and the SAME clothes! Ditching that stupid sweater that snagged on everything I walked by. Finally leaving behind the over-washed, hand-washed pants that bagged out in the wrong places and hung on my small frame like an elephant skin. May sound a bit superficial but clothes are a daily choice and can be a daily curse!

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You said the magic words: "Bocari Sweat!!!".....i still have my empty can....best named "drink" in the world....another great blog, Justin....love Japan.....i found Seoul boring, but then it was 30 years ago....hehe....love your comments on travel "influencers".....can people not enjoy and make choices on their own....rather than a proscribed "experience"....? Phooey

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