Justin, traveling over the past 10 years has reinforced my belief in humanity. Most people, wherever you go, are kind and considerate. I live on Vancouver Island and am currently in Edinburgh. We have been traveling by bus around the city all day and I just commented to my partner that I noticed most people say 'thank you' to the driver when getting off the bus. Also, talking to strangers is wonderful! Best of luck to you this year.
My husband and I travelled around the world for a year in our 20's and was one of the best things we ever did. It gave us a new perspective on our life in Canada.
I travelled around the world by myself for 4 months in 1996. I had a far more selective itinerary than you, because of the shorter time frame, but I still spent a year reading and preparing beforehand. Travel always throws some surprises at you, but preparation can help you be resilient. Good luck and I look forward to your posts.
I’ll miss you on the radio, but I look forward to stories during your trip and later when you have digested and reflected on the sabbatical of a lifetime! Bon voyage and safe journey Justin!
Hoo boy, does this take me back! Back when I was in my 30s, I left Halifax with three friends. We had a three week plan: cycle from Lisbon, Portugal to the Algarve and then onwards to Spain (Seville and Granada). Changed my life. Decades later, I've been to more than 50 countries... Lived long term in Ghana, West Africa, Scotland, Ireland, Guatemala and Mexico. Some for more than a year. I too am a media type and even worked at the same public broadcaster in the very same newsroom as you. I'm just getting back to travel again. I'm wrapping up 4 months on Pender Island, BC... then I'm off to Halifax for a couple of months, then Edinburgh for a month plus several weeks in Ireland and Denmark. That takes me to Canada Day. After that? Sechelt for the summer and... who knows!
TL;DR - Travel is awesome. I can't wait to see how badly you get bitten by the bug!
I am thrilled and delighted to be tagging along virtually, Justin. I have so deeply appreciated your work and reporting over the past few years, especially when I lived in BC and could follow you more closely. ( I’m now residing in southern Alberta but I’m still one of your most loyal and appreciative fans, lol.)
All best wishes as you embark on this new
ad/venture; I’m so happy for you and can’t wait for each new week to unfold as you traverse our world. 🌍 🫶🏼🚆
Justin, I hope you take this comment as admirably as I intended it.
I grew up watching the CTV news and the one reporter who convinced me that Vancouver was a place worth living in and fighting for was Mike McCardell.
The joy with which you tabulate statistics and the sincerity with which you share your viewpoint on the world gives me a sliver of that same hope that Metro Vancouver isn't as doomed as it feels and that there is value is arguing over how bad a skytrain station (or donut) can be.
I wish you lovely travels, and thank you for sharing it (and yourself) with us all!
What a dream. Congrats. Unsolicited word of caution: comparing a week in a place against a life in another sets up an unfair and uninformed comparison. I’d say you’d have to spend at least a decade elsewhere (where you speak the language) to be able to have an equivalent experience to compare your Vancouver one against. Even then, you wouldn’t be a fair arbiter given recency and/or nostalgia biases. So just enjoy! 🤭 And thank you for letting us ride along.
I am loving this! A year of living vicariously.
Looking forward to reading about your travels.
Justin, traveling over the past 10 years has reinforced my belief in humanity. Most people, wherever you go, are kind and considerate. I live on Vancouver Island and am currently in Edinburgh. We have been traveling by bus around the city all day and I just commented to my partner that I noticed most people say 'thank you' to the driver when getting off the bus. Also, talking to strangers is wonderful! Best of luck to you this year.
they do this on the mainland too-particularly in Coquitlam/Port Moody/Port Coquitlam. It's really the best
My husband and I travelled around the world for a year in our 20's and was one of the best things we ever did. It gave us a new perspective on our life in Canada.
I look forward to every newsletter.
I love everything about this and I can't wait for updates.
You had me at trains. I can’t wait for more!
I travelled around the world by myself for 4 months in 1996. I had a far more selective itinerary than you, because of the shorter time frame, but I still spent a year reading and preparing beforehand. Travel always throws some surprises at you, but preparation can help you be resilient. Good luck and I look forward to your posts.
Nice of you to ‘take us along’ on this marvellous journey. Happy Travels!
I’ll miss you on the radio, but I look forward to stories during your trip and later when you have digested and reflected on the sabbatical of a lifetime! Bon voyage and safe journey Justin!
Hoo boy, does this take me back! Back when I was in my 30s, I left Halifax with three friends. We had a three week plan: cycle from Lisbon, Portugal to the Algarve and then onwards to Spain (Seville and Granada). Changed my life. Decades later, I've been to more than 50 countries... Lived long term in Ghana, West Africa, Scotland, Ireland, Guatemala and Mexico. Some for more than a year. I too am a media type and even worked at the same public broadcaster in the very same newsroom as you. I'm just getting back to travel again. I'm wrapping up 4 months on Pender Island, BC... then I'm off to Halifax for a couple of months, then Edinburgh for a month plus several weeks in Ireland and Denmark. That takes me to Canada Day. After that? Sechelt for the summer and... who knows!
TL;DR - Travel is awesome. I can't wait to see how badly you get bitten by the bug!
Bon voyage Justin! Looking forward to your travel tales.
I am thrilled and delighted to be tagging along virtually, Justin. I have so deeply appreciated your work and reporting over the past few years, especially when I lived in BC and could follow you more closely. ( I’m now residing in southern Alberta but I’m still one of your most loyal and appreciative fans, lol.)
All best wishes as you embark on this new
ad/venture; I’m so happy for you and can’t wait for each new week to unfold as you traverse our world. 🌍 🫶🏼🚆
I'm glad you're not waiting ... have a wonderful adventure and thank you for sharing so much with us!
So glad we get to join you vicariously
Justin, I hope you take this comment as admirably as I intended it.
I grew up watching the CTV news and the one reporter who convinced me that Vancouver was a place worth living in and fighting for was Mike McCardell.
The joy with which you tabulate statistics and the sincerity with which you share your viewpoint on the world gives me a sliver of that same hope that Metro Vancouver isn't as doomed as it feels and that there is value is arguing over how bad a skytrain station (or donut) can be.
I wish you lovely travels, and thank you for sharing it (and yourself) with us all!
What a dream. Congrats. Unsolicited word of caution: comparing a week in a place against a life in another sets up an unfair and uninformed comparison. I’d say you’d have to spend at least a decade elsewhere (where you speak the language) to be able to have an equivalent experience to compare your Vancouver one against. Even then, you wouldn’t be a fair arbiter given recency and/or nostalgia biases. So just enjoy! 🤭 And thank you for letting us ride along.