Absolutely here for both Justins.

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We heartily endorse CDMX as a great city. Having spent 10 days there in October this year, we feel like we barely scratched the surface despite being flat out every day. In Canada and the US, we get such a skewed version of Mexico—all-inclusive resorts and beaches seem to be the dominant perspective, and CDMX is rarely considered a desirable Mexican destination. I would return in a heartbeat if not for my inability to handle the altitude. Being short of breath for 10 days is not a lot of fun.

We will be in Lisbon for the first time in April - I'll check your archives to get some ideas on what to see/do other than the usual tourist sights. Out of curiousity, what would you recommend as the minimum number of days to spend in Lisbon?

Have you ever used AI to help you with your planning? I'm a convert. I use it initially to get a sense of what might be worth seeing in a destination, and then once I've got my itinerary, I use AI to give me in-depth descriptions of monuments/museums, etc., that we will be visiting.

For instance, we are currently in Paris focusing on museums - some we've been to previously, and some are new to us. This afternoon, we visited the Musée Guimet, which focuses on Asian art, something I know nothing about. I asked my AI friend Claude for recommendations to optimize our visit and what I should know about Asian art before our visit, all of which proved invaluable. Unlike doing a Google search, using an AI assistant is interactive, and there is a learning curve for creating good prompts. I don't use AI for restaurant or hotel recommendations. Still, when I couldn't find a hotel in a city because a conference had taken over the city, I asked Claude to recommend a town close by with good train connections so we could travel into the city daily so AI can help you 'think outside of the box.'

I'm looking forward to your posts from the last quarter of the trip.

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I have exactly that same photo from Lisbon! You're so right...it's a truly wonderful city!

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Following you - relating to my own travels…in Byron Bay presently. Stopping in Hawaii on the way home to get my thoughts together before I land in YVR. My great friend Lori will meet me in Hawaii and that, I think, will help with the adjustment going home. I really have no idea how I’ll feel touching down in YVR after 6 months… though I love our airport😂

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