Love your account of this leg! Just wanted to point out that Dublin had very similar riots after a similar attack in 2023 (https://www.theguardian.com/world/2023/nov/23/dublin-knife-attack-children-stabbing-ireland-parnell-square?CMP=Share_iOSApp_Other). And also many people travelled up from Republic of Ireland to riots in Belfast this summer…populism, and far right attitudes are growing in Ireland too. Have you read The Prophet? A very disturbing book, I couldn’t finish it :(

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I played the putting course in 2007 on my first solo adventure.

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Four of us played the Himalayas putting course last summer when we were there and my husband got a hole-in-one! I am not a golfer, but doing the putting course at the most iconic golf course in the world was something I will never forget.

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Absolutely wonderful that you got to play St. Andrew's....wow....how much did it cost :) Another great travel blog....good rumination on the British Museum....

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Thanks so much for sending these missives Justin, I hope you are planning to publish a book when you get home? I will buy it and give it to all my friends at Christmas.

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Fascinating. Congrats on St. Andrews…but what was your score?


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91! Really struggled with the rough and giant greens to start, but went +7 over the final 11

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Incredible. I have yet to break a 100. And you do it on the most famous course in golf history. Well done, old chap.

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