Welcome home Justin! It looks like your flight arrives early Tuesday morning according to the YVR arrivals website:)

You have done a remarkable job of sharing so many aspects of this year long adventure; your writing is delightful and inspirational.

Wishing you all the best with your ‘re-entry’ process!

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The best part about being from Vancouver is no matter where I travel it is always good to be home. I have loved following your journey this past year! I can't wait too read your book! Welcome home! 🤗

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I have really enjoyed your trip

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Amazing? Just incredibly wonderfully inspiringly amazing. Thank you for the ride, via your writings.

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Safe travels one last time. Welcome home. See you Wednesday!

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Thanks for taking us along on your amazing adventures over the last year. I really enjoyed hearing about your trip. Welcome home!

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Thx for taking the time to write about your journeys, very fun

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Welcome home to our beautiful city.

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Thank you, thank you, thank you for showing us the world over the past year. Welcome back, and please continue sharing your transition to life in YVR along with future adventures.

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Welcome Home Justin, and thank you so much for sharing your past year with us. I totally loved sharing the journey with you Mate.

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Really looking forward to the slide show!

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Well done, man! Proud of you..and your book will be great! There's nothing better than infectious travel writing....and not a single accommodation was paid for! You da man! And welcome back...

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Thank you so much for all your blogs! They’ve been great to read! But Vancouver and B.C. have really missed you - life hasn’t been the same without your charts and contests!

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Welcome home Justin!

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I can't wait to hear how you feel coming back! I was away 6 months and back about 3 weeks now...at first I felt like I was wearing an ill fitting sweater. Nothing about my life here seemed to fit. I gave it time and impatience! And slowly I'm feeling more at home... though also caught a cold. First in 6 months. And I'm planning my next trip...and also really feeling like cold, soggy weather is not my thing anymore. Anyway, can't wait to hear how it'll be for you!

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I can't think of anyone else better suited to traveling the world and writing about it in such an insightful, delightful way. We have missed your municipal affairs coverage but many of us will miss your daily travel posts even more. Thank you for a year's worth of engaging photos and observations!

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