"Actual hidden gems" 😂👏👏👏

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On museums: my husband and I discovered, while travelling in SE Asia where it got very hot between about 2 and 4, that a good strategy was to go to a museum coffee shop which always had 1) a good iced americano; 2) air conditioning; 3) clean washrooms; and 4) good wifi for doing emails and transferring photos from the camera to the phone. And they were lovely, comfortable places to sit out the heat of the day.

Looking forward to the second half!

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Omg, I didn’t realize there would be a book!

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Stay safe!

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Thank you for sharing your wonderful trip with us !

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Happy for you that it is all going so well!

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Love the charts and spreadsheets. Should have asked for a chocolate rankings. Am about to book a trip to Greenland. Your travel missive arrived in time for additional inspiration. Travel can be such a natural high, besides being educational, eye-opening, transformative...

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This all sounds so lovely. Been enjoying your posts and can't wait to buy the book

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